upa-admin 20 Mayıs 2019 6.953 Okunma 0

Beata Piskorska was born in 1978 in Lublin (Poland). She is political scientist working as Associate Professor at the Institute of Political Science and Foreign Affairs in the department of International Relations at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. She is an expert at the European Commission Representation Office in Poland – Team Europe (2017) and the founder and President of the Education and Research International Association – ERIA (2018). She is also a member of several national and European research associations: European International Studies Association, Polish Association of International Relations, European Association of European Studies and Centre for Eastern European Studies Ucrainicum. Her main research themes of interest are: European integration, the EU’s foreign policy, European Neighbourhood Policy, the EU’s policy towards Eastern Europe and Southern Caucasus countries and the EU’s role in international relations. She is the author/editor of some academics books and dozens of articles specialized on international relations and the eastern policy of the EU. She also participated in short residences and research stays in the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European External Action Service (2009, 2012, 2014, 2016), London School of Economics and Political Science in London (2012), Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University in Lutsk (2013) and Central European University in Budapest (2016). In addition, as part of the Erasmus+ programme, she lectured at the Cyprus European University in Nicosia (2013), Péter Pázmány Catholic University in Budapest (2016) and Istanbul Gedik University in Istanbul (2019). She organized many conferences and seminars on the European integration, international relations, eastern policy of the EU and the political situation of Eastern Europe. She is often invited as a media commentator on current events in the area of international relations, European integration and political situation in Poland.


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