upa-admin 30 Aralık 2014 69.744 Okunma 1

Turkish economist, economic and diplomatic journalist, radio & tv program producer, instructor, auditor, mentor, judicial expert at Criminal and Civil Courts, seminar basis academician, visiting professor, columnist, artist (poet, creative writer, painter) and cross-disciplined globe-trotter (101 countries completed) Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu was born in İstanbul in 1968. Having a bachelor degree from Business Administration and Economics departments in Bosphorus University (double major degree), she studied Law Certificate Associate Program in the UK. She is a certified notarized translator (English-Turkish), licensed scuba diver and a licensed swimmer. As a motivational speaker, trainer, mentor and internal auditor, she worked as professional consultant on the risk assessment  of IT Telecom & Energy, FCMS, Food & Beverages, Retail  Sector Business procurement Process & Contracts, with full expertise on negotiation and convincing power with 27 years of expertise working on  global contractual projects. She has experience of developing, implementing risk mitigation strategies and tactics. She also has in depth knowledge of developing supplier risk assessment profiles, comprehensive knowledge, extensive experience with complex contract drafting and negotiations primarily in the high-tech IT Telco industry including hardware and software purchasing consulting. Mentoring and strengthening current buying team and service delivery, she worked previously on a wide variety of projects from IT Telco to Energy Sectors. Lecturing and coaching on Transformation via Paradigm, Creative Thinking Technics for Adults, Kids, Life & Personal Development Coaching, she was trained on a variety of subjects including Human Relationships via Paradigm Shifts, Personal & Corporate Success and Development, How to Manage Difficult Clients in Business, Communication Skills, Time Management, Stress & Anger Management, Procurement and Vendor Management, Contract Management, Risk Management, Industrial Risks, Mobbing, Conflict Resolution, Negotiation Techniques, Effective Leadership and Presentation Skills.

Website: http://cigdemyorgancioglu.org

Blog: http://cigdemyorganciogludiplomacy.blogspot.com/

Email: cigdemyorgancioglu@gmail.com

One Comment »

  1. Orhan Seval Gündüz 19 Ocak 2015 at 17:32 - Reply

    Hocamızı konferansa davet etmek icin e-posta kontak bilgilerini rica edebilir miyiz

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