upa-admin 13 Nisan 2016 1.522 Okunma 0

Events of recent days on the frontline have pinned the entire world’s attention to the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno Karabakh conflict. The war now rages not just in the trenches, but also across all platforms, including the international organizations. Resonance of the clashes provoked by the subversions of the Armenian armed forces in the occupied Azerbaijani territory vividly demonstrates the advocates and their agenda on the global stage. Grave concern expressed by the international organizations and their leaders with respect to this conflict moving into active phase revealed clear standpoints. Some unequivocally support Azerbaijan’s just position, others try to remain neutral, while there are even those who attempt to justify the aggressor. While doing so, they forget the real cause that engendered this conflict and occupation of Azerbaijan’s lands by the Armenians and instead focus on the humanitarian aspect.

Whereas the fact of occupation of Azerbaijan’s territory is reflected in the UN Security Council resolutions and most of the documents adopted by the international organizations. During last meeting of the country’s Security Council the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev highlighted the true motives behind recent Armenian provocations, “The main goal of Armenia is to keep the status quo unchanged. The process of negotiations has been going on for more than 20 years. Over these 20 years, at decisive moments, Armenia has always resorted to provocations. Armenia constantly creates tension on the line of contact. The terrorist act in the Armenian parliament at the end of last century also pursued this goal – to prevent the achievement of a possible agreement in connection with the conflict and thus to preserve the status quo”.

In this respect, Azerbaijan saw support of its territorial integrity by number of heads of international organizations. PACE President Pedro Agramunt named the aggressor. In his statement, Agramunt called for “the withdrawal of all Armenian armed troops from occupied Azerbaijani territories in compliance with UN Security Council resolutions”. The Organization of the Islamic Cooperation also rendered its permanent support to Azerbaijan’s just cause. The organization condemned aggressive actions by the Armenian armed forces against Azerbaijan. The OIC Secretary General Iyad Ameen Madani expressed “deep concern over this escalation resulting from the continued occupation of Azeri territories by Armenia”. He also recalled the OIC position for “immediate, unconditional and complete withdrawal of Armenian forces from Azerbaijan’s occupied territory”.

Organizations representing the Turkic world have also voiced their support for Azerbaijan. Ramil Hasanov, the Secretary-General of the Council of the Turkic Speaking Countries stated that, ”for peaceful resolution of the problem all Armenian armed forces must withdraw from the occupied Azerbaijani territories”.

Thus, the international community defends Azerbaijan’s just position. Regrettably, some hypocrite politicians on the Armenian diaspora’s payroll exploit the rostrums of the international organizations for their sordid intentions. This is why the statement made by Luis Amagro, the Secretary-General of the Organization of the American States contravenes the principles of that institution. First, it is fascinating that the organization, bringing together the nations in another hemisphere, expresses its position on the events unfolding far beyond the region of its relevance, namely the Caucasus, and displays an unjust stance. Why is it that Almagro fails to demonstrate equivalent passion to the events happening in Africa, Asia and even Americas for that matter? This attests to special interests.

It is not the first time that Luis Almagro, who served as Uruguay’s Foreign Minister in 2010-2015, speaks his mind emboldened by Armenians’ money. He has remained in constant contact with the representatives of “Dashnaktsutsyun” party and “Hay Data” group’s representatives and is widely regarded as a politicians bought by the Armenians. As Foreign Minister, he is remembered for his irresponsible statements on Nagorno Karabakh and for retracting them later. It is an irrefutable fact – Almagro is a hostage to Armenians’ money.

Second, the military operations unfold across the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. How can then Secretary-General claim that Azerbaijan violates the principles of the international law. He should be reminded that all the members of the organization that he presides over recognize Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity and therefore are aware of who the aggressor is in the geography of military operations. That begs a legitimate question as to why do these countries condone a fact that a Secretary-General speaks on their behalf and acts so at the behest of the Armenian diaspora. Azerbaijan will react to this, making its position clear to both the organization and all of its member states.

Arastu Habibbeyli

Deputy Head of Foreign Relations Department Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan

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