Uluslararası Politika Akademisi (UPA) Genel Koordinatörü ve Beykent Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi (İngilizce) bölümü öğretim üyesi Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ozan Örmeci’nin “Military Coups: Do They Still Matter in the 21st Century and the Turkish Example” adlı makalesi, Scottish Journal of Arts, Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (SJASS) dergisinin Ağustos 2017 tarihli 29. cildinin 2. sayısında yayınlandı. Aşağıdaki linkten bu makaleye ulaşabilirsiniz.
upa-admin 18 Ağustos 2017 3.366 Okunma 0TAGS » 12 march 1971 memorandum, 12 september 1980 coup, 15 july 2016 coup attempt in turkey, 1973 chile military coup, 1992 algeria military coup, 2011 egypt coup, 2011 egypt revolution, 2013 egypt coup, 27 april 2007 e-memorandum, 27 may 1960 coup, 28 february process, A. S. Kposowa, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, abdullah gül, adam przeworski, alberto Fujimori, algeria, andreas schedler, Augustine Kposowa, Augusto Pinochet, autocoup, autogolpe, avni özgürel, aylin güney, Barbara Geddes, Breakthrough coup, Carl Cohen, Chaitram Singh, chile, chp, christian minority in egypt, CIA, civil military relations, civil military relations in turkey, copts, coup, coup d'etat, daniel pipes, daron acemoğlu, David Bukay, democratic coup d'etat, deniz baykal, e-memorandum, Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, egemen bezci, egypt army, egypt political system, egyptian army, Eric A. Nordlinger, Eric Nordlinger, Erica Frantz, erik meyersson, fethullah gülen, Fetö, fis, francis fukuyama, frank tachau, freedom house, george Derpanopoulos, Guardian coup, guardian military, gülen community, gülen movement, islam, islamic dictatorship, Islamic Salvation Front, islamism, Israel, J. C. Jenkins, J. Craig Jenkins, james a. robinson, James Robinson, jdp, John J. Chin, John T. Ishiyama, Jonathan M. Powell, Jonathan Powell, Joseph Wright, Joshua Keating, justice and development party, kemal karpat, kenan evren, mahir kaynak, manset, Marijke Breuning, Martin Armstrong, mehmet akif okur, Mehran Kamrava, metin heper, Michelle Nichols, military coup, military coups in turkey, Military Coups: Do They Still Matter in the 21st Century and the Turkish Example, military democracy, military types, moderator military, Mohamed Morsi, mohammed morsi, müge kınacıoğlu, murat önder, Muslim Brotherhood, mustafa kemal atatürk, Narjas zatat, necmettin erbakan, Nicholas Borroz, ozan a. varol, ozan o. varol, ozan örmeci, ozan varol, Palace coup, peru, petek karatekelioğlu, pew, pew research, political islam, professional army, professional military, putsch, radical islam, recep tayyip erdoğan, republican people's party, richard lim, robert putnam, roger p. nye, ruler military, s. e. finer, Sadık Ünay, salvador allende, samuel huntington, samuel p. huntington, Sawa Omori, scottish journal, self-coup, shana marshall, soli özel, Taeko Hiroi, taf, Terry Lynn Karl, turkish armed forces, turkish democracy, turkish military, turkish political system, turkish politics, ümit cizre, Veto coup d’état, Wolfgang Muno